
Curriculum Intent
Good Judgement: Pupils will become critical thinkers who are able to make independent and informed decisions. They are taught skills in self-reflection and giving and receiving constructive feedback.
Celebrate different perspectives: Art projects teach creativity and open ended thinking. Pupils express themselves and understand that there is always more than one possible approach and solution. Mistakes are an expected part of problem solving. Pupils investigate different points of view and the opinions of others (from different contexts e.g. other countries, periods of time, genders and faiths) All are tolerated and appreciated.
Exploration and experimentation: Pupils will master basic skills liked to the art formal elements, developing hand-eye coordination. These are divided into four strands in the progression maps which link directly to the four assessment objectives at GCSE level.
Self-Expression: Sharing feelings and ideas. Learning the importance and subtleties of non -verbal communication.
Curriculum Maps
National Curriculum
Art and Design