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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

CEIAG stands for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance. It is a significant part of St Gregory’s Catholic High School’s provision, helping students make informed decisions and choices about their future career plans and next steps.

CEIAG is delivered to all students through a variety of methods during their time at St Gregory’s. St Gregory’s careers programme is tracked against the Gatsby benchmarks and meets the Career Development Institutes learning outcomes. 

St Gregory’s CEIAG key objectives:

  • To strive for excellence with competitive and comparable numbers of pupils remaining in Education, Employment or Training after leaving St Gregory’s with Warrington's average.
  • Use pupil voice to inform planning of CEIAG activities.
  • Promote and increase the uptake of Apprenticeships and other work related study as T-Levels as a post-16 option.
  • Engage with, and celebrate the local labour market to secure the best outcomes for pupils and contribute to a productive and successful economy.
  • To create a culture through advice, education and opportunities to ensure we drive Ambition for All of our pupils and their families.

Details of how the key objectives being achieved can be found within the St Gregory’s CEIAG Action Plan.

The delivery of the careers programme is through PSHCE lessons; Collective Worships involving external visitors such as colleges, employers, alumni, and guest speakers; Careers Advisor meetings; extracurricular activities; Careers Fair and is a core strand of our St Gregory’s High School Ambition For All Diploma. 

Mrs Roberts - CEIAG Coordinator   
01925 574888

Mrs Roberts is the Careers Leader at St Gregory’s Catholic High School. The role ensures the school is compliant with the 8 Gatsby benchmarks and that good careers guidance is available throughout the school. Mr Hill is the senior leader for CEIAG and provides a link between the Careers Leader and the Senior Leadership Team & Governors. The CEIAG link governor is John Rigby.

Mr Poland - STEM coordinator

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Alongside the Gatsby benchmarks, St Gregory’s aims to provide all pupils with the opportunity to engage and experience potential STEM careers. STEM is one of the fastest growing sectors, with a wide variety of different experience available to them.

A STEM career allows you to solve problems, develop new ideas and conduct research. These individuals can work in a variety of settings, including in an office, laboratory, research facility, classroom or out in the field.

Miss Lowe - Independent Careers Advisor

Miss Lowe is our independent careers advisor who provides impartial and up-to-date information to our pupils in Y9 and Y11 to support their GCSE and post 16 option choices. If you would like a careers appointment, please tell your form tutor or email

CEIAG within St Gregory’s Catholic Ethos

At St Gregory’s we are committed to our Catholic Ethos, we pledge to:

  • Treat each child as a child of God, working to improve their knowledge and understanding of how to be a good citizen and take their place in God’s world.
  • Develop strong skills of reflection so students can build upon previous learning and experiences to greater understand themselves, society and the world they live in.
  • Ensure that young people are socially developed and equipped with the personal skills necessary to embrace the next stage in their lives.
  • Respond to the needs of each individual student, supporting their aspirations and progression.
  • Challenge misconceptions, intolerance, prejudice and discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, creed, sexual orientation and/or disability as per the Equality Act 2010 ensuring that ALL are recognised as part of God’s creation thereby encouraging them to challenge these intolerances in our society.
  • Enable students to make informed decisions and choices about their future by providing them with comprehensive, unbiased and up to date information, advice and guidance.

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CEIAG Strategic Action Plan and Provider Access Statement 2023 - 24

Click here to see the CEIAG for Employers page.