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Attendance & Punctuality

A good education is essential; pupils have only one chance at school and their chances of a successful future will be affected by not attending school.  Therefore great emphasis is placed on pupil attendance and punctuality at St Gregory's.

Awards are given to recognise full and improving attendance and outstanding punctuality.



First Day Absence

Can parents please call or e-mail school on a pupil's first day of absence.

Mrs G Spence: Attendance Officer

01925 574888


Request for Student Leave of Absence during term time

To request absence from school, parents must complete a request form and bring it into school to discuss with the Attendance Officer.  A Leave of Absense Response Form will then be completed.


Requests for absence via letters or phone calls will not be accepted.

Leave of Absence Request Form

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Department for Education School Attendance and Absence