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Designated Provision

Mr Funnell Head of Designated Provision 
Mrs Keenan  
Mrs Pacey  
Mrs Wilson  



ASD Designated Provision - Iona

Curriculum Support Department


The ASD Designated provision provides support within class and around the school. Each student has a bespoke program: including mainstream lessons, staff support, visual support materials, withdrawal classes and Speech and Language Therapy.

To support the inclusion within the mainstream classes, the whole school has had training in ASD and many of the SEND Team have had further training and many are qualified as Level 2 Team Teach practitioners which provides positive behavioral strategies, which are designed to reduce anxiety, risk and positive behaviours.

Designated Provision is a discrete provision within St Gregory’s Catholic High school and as such pupils in the Designated Provision have access to the Provision throughout the school day, including at those times when they integrate into the mainstream classes and during social times like break and lunch.


The Designated Provision provides the pupils with:


  • Small group teaching – as appropriate
  • Individual teaching – as appropriate
  • Support when needed in mainstream classes – as appropriate
  • Access to the full Curriculum
  • Social thinking classes, linked to Speech and Language Therapy plans
  • Access to a full range of GCSE and examination classes
  • The opportunity to take part in a range of extra-curricular activities
  • A dedicated area in which students feel safe and secure throughout the school day


The pastoral needs of the pupils are met through:


  • Membership of a mainstream tutor group if appropriate
  • Daily individual support and guidance


The emotional needs of the pupils are met through:


  • Supportive relationships with Provision Staff
  • Application of specialist strategies when appropriate
  • Close liaison with parents/guardians
  • Liaison with outside agencies
  • Specialist support available within the Provision throughout the school day


Summary Statement from last LA review in March 2021


St Gregory’s RC High School provides a calm, welcoming environment for pupils to develop and learn.  It is a fully inclusive school. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong and respectful. Pupils reported that they enjoy school and that they are encouraged to do their best. They report that they feel safe and can talk to staff who will help them if they have any worries. The school has nurtured a strong sense of community which reflects the school vision, ‘One family inspired to learn.’


The Head Teacher’s vision for inclusion and high expectations for pupils’ behaviour and learning is shared by all staff in turn. The strong leadership from the Designated Provision Leader has ensured that the profile of inclusion is high across all aspects of school life. His role was seen as crucial by the review team for linking the DP into the rest of the school. He has been able to ensure that regular meetings are organised with mainstream staff to enable information sharing and the development of a consistent approach for pupils. This has ensured that systems to support pupils from the DP to access all lessons are fully embedded in the practice of the school; pupils transition seamlessly from and to the Iona base.


The DP Lead articulated that his aim for pupils in the Designated Provision is to foster independence by increasing as much as possible the proportion of time spent in mainstream. The purpose of the Iona base is to support the development of skills for this to take place.


In order to do this, a range of planned interventions take place in Iona including small group work; speech and language therapy and social thinking groups, Lego therapy and support from Teaching Assistants. Pupils were observed meeting in Iona the start and end of the day which they said they greatly enjoy as it enables them to see friends from all year groups. A personalised approach, and strategies such as early lunchtimes and staggered start and end times to lessons enable pupils to be part of all aspects of school life.


The school employs a DP Leader and Teaching Assistant staff (2.6) across the Designated Provision. Relationships are key to the success of integration and support; staff have a full understanding of the children needs of the children in their care. Student profiles are regularly updated, shared across the wider staff and translated into targeted plans of support. This in turn, has impacted positively on pupil confidence, self-regulation, communication and behaviour.


Evidence shared in the review for pupil attainment and progress was strong. Pupils feel supported and incidents of bullying show that it is not a concern for any specific group of pupils. The schools has proactively sought opportunities to use trauma informed approaches, the ‘Ambition for All’ programme encourages pupils to consider their personal development and to make a positive contribution to the community.


The Head Teacher articulated further developments to improve provision for SEND pupils with the identification of a further space for pupils to use. This space will be situated in the heart of the school and will include a space for students to prepare and eat, it will be fully equipped with IT facilities for flexible learning and be available at all times for pupils who need to access.


Access to the ASD Designated Provision 


Places within the Provision are allocated by Warrington Education Authority and are not based on location to the school. Students need to have the following:

  •  Education, Health and Care Plan
  • A diagnosis of an Autistic Spectrum Condition


Requests for a place can be made through the EHCP Review Process. For entry into Y7 it is encouraged that this is requested during the Y5 transition review.


Pupils with ASD who are not Designated Provision

A pupil who has a diagnosis of Autism, but not at a level to require a Designated Provision place, will not receive the same level of support that a pupil receives in the Designated Provision.

We will aim to provide an ASD friendly school, as do all mainstream high schools.


Autistic Spectrum Disorders & Asperger's Syndrome


What is ASD?

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects the way a person communicates and relates to the people around them. People with autism have difficulties with everyday social interaction. Their ability to develop friendships is generally limited as is their capacity to understand other people's emotional expressions. People with autism can often have accompanying learning disabilities but everyone with the condition shares a difficulty in making sense of the world.


What is Asperger's Syndrome?


Asperger syndrome is a form of autism. They have a number of traits of autism are common to Asperger syndrome including: Difficulty in communication, Difficulty in social relationships and a lack of social imagination and creative play.


If you require any further information or would like another look around the school, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tel: 01925 574888 or email.


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