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Catholic School Inspectorate


"St. Gregory’s is outstanding in its provision of Catholic Education. "

Click here to see Section 48 Inspection Report by the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

“The extent to which the pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic Life of the school is outstanding. Pupils embrace the demands that membership of the school community expects. In their own words, this is because mission is, “about who we are and why we are here, and the values we share.” They take full advantage of wide ranging extra- curricular activities because of the pervading sense of wanting to be involved in school life”

“The interview with pupils was a highlight of the inspection process. With confidence and clarity, pupils expressed how they live the school’s mission. Furthermore, those consulted in class and in several instances around the school, confirmed the impact that Catholic Life has on their daily lives.  This has enriched their pride in school, and sense of belonging. They are aware that pastoral care and safeguarding underpins a secure basis for their personal development. They have a deep respect for each other. Pupils behaviour is impeccable, a tribute in itself to the success of much work undertaken in this sphere.”