Our Safeguarding Team's Mission Statement
Committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone in our community. 'We work in partnership to create a living and vibrant community in which every member is valued.' Fundamental to our safeguarding policy is the understanding that each person in this school community has been created in the image of God, deserves to be listened to an treated with respect and dignity.
You can read the latest Safeguarding Newsletter here.
Useful Contacts
Safeguarding Advice |
01925 444140 |
Social Work Teams |
01925 446257 |
Out of Hours |
01925 443322 |
Cheshire Constabulary |
101 |
NSPCC Childline |
0800 1111 |
School Health Service
The service is not currently freely available to children in schools.
Advice and support is still available via the NHS Bridgewater Community Healthcare website .

On-line Support
During this time of social distancing it is important to secure online support from a reputable organisation/individual who can provide evidence that they are safe and can be trusted to have access to children.
These are some recommended sites which provide support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
PARENTS - Spot the signs of CSE
A short inforgraphic film for parents. Aiming to help spot the signs of child sexual exploitation and to know how to report.

For more information please contact the agencies below:

Should I make a report to CEOP? - click here
Safeguarding Presentation
Safeguarding Training 2023/24
Domestic Abuse
Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic status, sexuality or background.
Children who witness domestic abuse are also victims of domestic abuse.
Signs You Are In An Abusive Relationship -
A lot of people do not realize that they are in an abusive relationship. Here are some of the signs that you could be in an abusive relationship that you need to get out of…
· Your partner sexually or physically abuses you. If they ever make you have sex with them when you don’t want to, hit you, shove you, or push you, this is domestic abuse.
· Your partner threatens you or your family.
· Your partner puts your down. They attack your capabilities, mental health, looks, or intelligence. They blame you for their violent outbursts.
· Your partner is jealous. They may isolate you from your family or friends or they may accuse you of not being faithful.
· Your partner is possessive. They may check up on you all of the time and they may get angry if you hang out with certain people.
· Your partner has strangled you, beat you, or hit you in the past.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abusers look to chip away at your feelings of independence and self-worth. You can end up feeling like you do not have anything without your abusive partner or that there is no way out of your relationship.
Emotional abuse includes verbal abuse. This includes controlling behaviour, intimidation, isolation, shaming, blaming, name-calling, and yelling. Abusers who use psychological or emotional abuse will often throw about threats of physical violence, as well as other repercussions if you do not do what they demand.
If you believe that you are a victim of domestic abuse you are not alone and there is support available:
Domestic Abuse: How to get help - How to get help
Refuge - Refuge National Helpine
Bright Sky is an app that provides support and information for people who are concerned that they are victims Bright Sky
Ask for ANI is a code that you can use at participating pharmacies. They will then provide a space, phone and ask if you need to contact the police.
UK SAYS NO MORE is working with Boots, Morrisons pharmacies, Superdrug pharmacies, Well pharmacies, independent pharmacies, HSBC, TSB, The Co-operative bank and selected Metro banks across the UK to provide Safe Spaces in their consultation rooms for people experiencing domestic abuse.
You can ask for a ‘Safe Sapce and many will also respond to ‘ANI’. They will also provide a space for people to contact the police. Safe Spaces Locations - UK SAYS NO MORE has further information.
YGAM – The Young Gamers and Gambling Education Trust
YGAM was founded in 2014 to educate young people, parents and professionals in the harm that can be caused by online gaming and gambling. YGAM’s parent hub has a wealth of information to support parents and provide advice on gaming and gambling YGAM parent hub.
In addition to this the website offers free workshops and resources for parents YGAM website.
Online Safety
If you have a concern about activity online that is inappropriate you should report concerns to CEOP. This website was introduced to all pupils in the safeguarding assemblies at the start of academic year is a is a very efficient tool to support young people and their families in dealing with online incidents.
In the February newsletter we focused on snap chat and gaming. As we all know TikTok can be a great source of entertainment to young people but also has dangers like all online activity. The link below is to support parents and carers in understanding more about TikTok and support available, to keep your child safe online