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Emotional Health and Well-Being

Here at St Gregory’s, we believe in supporting our whole school community to realise their full potential, be the best they can and be able to cope with the stresses of life. To do this we work together under our Mental Health Mission Statement, which is

‘Mental health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work  productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.’ (World Health Organisation)

Our vision is for wellbeing and good mental health to become a strategic priority, embedded into the culture and ethos of school.  We aim to promote positive mental health for every member of our staff and all pupils and to increase awareness of the importance of promoting and improving emotional wellbeing and how this connects to learning. 

We pursue this aim using both whole school approaches and more specialised, targeted approaches aimed at vulnerable pupils along with equipping school staff, young people and parents with the skills and knowledge to prioritise and address wellbeing and mental health.

By developing and implementing practical, relevant and effective mental health and wellbeing policies, procedures and support, we can promote a safe and stable environment for pupils affected both directly and indirectly by mental health and wellbeing struggles.

To read more about this please see our Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy.

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy



In the Augustine Centre Mrs O'Kane, Mrs Pilkington, Miss Crawford and Suzie our school chaplain work closely with you, your families and staff to support emotional wellbeing and provide mental health support for the whole school based on individual needs.

The Augustine Centre is open from 8.15am each morning for soft landings where you can come if you need some time to sit, gather your thoughts and sort any worries you may have. From this, if you need any further support we can arrange planned sessions in the week to work through whatever it is you need.

We also have the Pastoral team at St Gregorys which include the Pastoral Support Managers Miss Dolphin, Mrs Heaton, Mrs Lee, Mrs Batty and Miss Evans and your Pupil Progress Managers who are all available to support you and your families. Should you need to speak to someone we will always make time to help you.

There are lots of different group activities which run throughout school, all of which you are welcome to be a part of as we love nothing more than giving everyone the opportunity to make a positive contribution to the community.

Useful advice will be regularly posted via ‘Announcements’ on Class Charts.

Mrs O'Kane - Children's Wellbeing Counsellor and Life Skills Co-ordinator

If you would like to discuss anything further or have any questions you can email me directly on TO' or ring the school office on 01925 574888.


Parental Workshops

We believe that to create lasting change, support should be available for parents as well as pupils, and as such I am starting to develop different programmes of work and workshops aimed at supporting pupils through parents and to increase parental knowledge and skills. 

The following parenting workshops have been put into the school calendar for the year 2023/2024



Monday 16th October

CDC referral/ EHCP process

Monday 13th November

Anxiety Management

Monday 20th November


Monday 15th January

Behaviour Management Support

Monday 29th January

ASC/ADHD Awareness

Monday 5th February

Low Mood and Emotional Regulation

Monday 12th February


Monday 4th March

A Healthy Approach to Exams – Managing Stress and Worry

Monday 25th March


Monday 22nd April

Sensory Processing Awareness

Monday 17th June


Monday 8th July

SEND parents evening


Reminders and further information on how to sign up for the workshops will be sent out closer to the time of each session


Children's Guide to Coronavirus

Follow the link below to view the latest Wellbeing Newsletter.

Latest Newsletters


Ambition for All

One of the strands of the Diploma is Mental Health and Wellbeing.

At St Gregory’s it is really important to us that every member of our school work towards developing their mental health and wellbeing, therefore any work that you complete or support you receive in school around your mental health and wellbeing will also contribute towards the Ambition for All Diploma.


School Mental Health Award

St. Gregory's has been awarded the Silver School Mental Health Award from the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools acknowledging our commitment to the well-being of all our community


Useful Information

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) offer a drop-In service ‘Mind Works’, for professionals, parents and carers and young people to meet a CAMHS or early help worker.  They will be asked some questions about their current difficulties and together they will agree a plan of support. 

If you have any questions; please ring 01925 575904.

The sessions run at:

Great Sankey Children’s Centre               Tuesday            3pm -5pm   

The Hub Capesthorne Road, Orford        Thursday         9.00am -  11am  


Kooth—this is a free online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use. Warrington Council buy into this and it is promoted throughout school.


Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has rolled out a new secure text messaging service for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 years old and a Young People's Service for 11-19 years, enabling them to get timely and trusted health advice from a health professional (a Health Visitor or School Nurse).

The text numbers for Warrington are:

11 - 19 Young People's Service – 07507 330101

 0 - 5 Parents Service – 07507 327981

5 - 19 Parents Service – 07480 635994


Action for Happiness Calendars

A monthly calendar with actions for each day to aid your mental health