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Learning Resource Centre


Mrs Andrews

LRC Manager

Mrs Hennessey

Media and Communications Co-ordinator 


Welcome to our Learning Resource Centre page


The LRC is the real hub of the school; it is a busy and lively place outside lesson time and a quiet study area during lessons. 

It is well stocked and well organised and although students are encouraged to be independent learners there is always someone on hand to help.

We believe reading is a huge part of students educational and emotional development and we are passionate about the LRC being a place that all students are welcome to visit as regularly and as often as possible. All students are welcome to use the LRC before and after school and during break and lunchtimes.

Opening Times

Monday to Thursday: 8am to 4pm

Friday:  8am to 3.30pm



LRC Catalogue


Try our new eplatform!

Thousands of books at your fingertips to read online. 

Read the attached letter to get you started. 

Project Gutenberg. A library of over 60,000 free ebooks, mainly older USA classics.


LRC Gallery



Useful websites

Book Trust website


National Poerty Day

Pupil Librarians

Pupil Librarians are very important in the daily running of the Learning Resource Centre. They work in the Learning Resource Centre before school, during break and at lunchtimes, helping with issuing books and assisting lower school students to make appropriate and informed book choices.  They also assist in keeping the LRC organised and tidy.   

Every pupil, from Year 9 onwards, has the opportunity to apply to become a Pupil Librarian. 

Applications open every September.  If you are thinking of applying, take a look at the Job Description and Application Form.