CEIAG for Pupils
When you leave St Gregory’s you must decide whether to stay in full-time education (for example at a further education college or sixth form college), start an apprenticeship/traineeship, or spend 20+ hours a week working or volunteering while also doing part-time education or training.
At St Gregory’s we are committed to ensuring the skills and qualifications you gain will enable you to achieve positive further education and employment destinations.
All pupils have access to KUDOS a leading career development service that helps you to explore, develop and maximise your potential. A tutorial of how to use the service can be found here.
If you would like any further information, please contact St Gregory’s Careers Leader Miss Crawley hcrawley@stgregoryshigh.com or St Gregory’s independent careers advisor Miss Lowe careers@stgregoryshigh.com.
Below are some useful links about your post-16 options:
Information about A Levels
Information about T Levels
Information about Apprenticeships
Information about Traineeships
Build up to National Careers week 25
National Careers Week Resources booklet