Anti-Bullying Week 14th - 18th November 2022

Theme this year was 'Reach Out'

Annual Anti-Bullying Survey was completed by all students. Once completed, appropriate conversations took place to check on each student and ensure the correct support was in place.

Follow up conversations have taken place to monitor and check on each student


Friday 17th November was 'Friendship Friday'


We asked pupils and staff to nominate a person/ people in school or at home who deserves a 'Friendship Award' and post their nominations in the Positive Footprints box.


All nominees received a Positive Footprint in recognition of being a good friend.


Random Acts of Kindness boxes

We encouraged students and staff to think of others and complete a Kindness Challenge - Pupils could think of their own ideas or a 'Kindness Box' full of ideas were availble in each form to help pupils think of ideas.