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Non-Statutory Policies


Acceptable Use Policy (Computer Resources) Pupil

Adoption Leave Policy

Alcohol & Drugs Aware Policy

Allergens and Anaphylaxis Policy

Anti-Bullying and Hate Crime Policy

Anti Fraud Policy 2023

Assessment Policy

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Authorised Leave Policy

Best Value Statement

British Values Policy

BTec Policy

Child Sexual Exploitation Policy

Celebration of the Word Policy

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Debit Card Policy

Digital Continuity Statement

Domestic Abuse Policy

Drug, Alcohol & Substance Misuse Policy

Educational Visits and School Trips Policy

Electronic Devices Policy (Pupil)

Emergency School Closure Procedure

Exams Policy

Exams Policy Contingency Plan

Finance Policy

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure

Home School Agreement

Internal Appeals Procedures (Examinations)

Intimate Care Policy

ITT Policy

Literacy Policy

Lockdown Policy (Exams)

Looked After Children Policy

Low Level Concerns Policy

Malpractice Policy

No Smoking and Vaping Policy

Non Examination Assessment Policy

Online Safety Policy

Pandemic Policy

Parent/Carer Code of Conduct

Parent and Carer Communication Protocol

Personal Development Policy

Privacy Notice for Pupils and their Families

Privacy Notice for Pupils

Privacy Notice for Staff

Provider Access Policy

Pupil Remote Learning Policy

Pupils with Additional Health Needs Attendance Policy

Safe Recruitment and Vetting Policy

School Drugs Policy

School Risk Assessment 29 November 2021

Schools Adoption Leave Policy for Support Staff Policy

Schools Adoption Leave Policy for Teachers Policy

Schools Maternity Leave Policy for Support Staff

Schools Paternity & Maternity Support Leave Policy

Self Injury Policy

Separated Families Policy

Shared Parental Leave Policy

Sickness Absence Policy

Stress Management Policy

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy

Support Staff Performance Review Policy

Teachers Appraisal Policy

Teachers Maternity Leave Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Uniform Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Whistleblowing Exams Policy

Word Processor Use in Exams Policy

Please contact the school if you require a paper copy of any of the policies on this page.